The Archway in Axminster Welcomes Talented Dog Portrait...
Clive Hemsley, an experienced canine artist, now residing in beautiful Lyme Regis is moving his studio...
Post Mounted Acrylic Signs
A new and modern acrylic signage option. Our post-mounted signage systems feature a glass-like acrylic panel in a choice of clear, coloured or tinted acrylic with a post clamp system, and appear similar to a Cafe Barrier System.
Creative Solutions is rated 'Excellent'
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Acrylic is a versatile material that combines clarity and strength, making it an ideal choice for various signage applications. Here are some key benefits of opting for acrylic signs:
An innovative and modern signage and display solution, Post Mounted Acrylic Systems are similar to Cafe Barrier, but with your design printed onto an acrylic panel held between two posts with a clamp system. Your acrylic panel will be flame-polished for glass-like finished edges. Suitable for internal and external use with high-grade, weather-resistant materials.
Clive Hemsley, an experienced canine artist, now residing in beautiful Lyme Regis is moving his studio...
At Woodroffe School, they believe in blending creativity with innovation. Our latest project involved...
We are very excited to share this partnership with Love Musgrove installing the first set of charity...
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